Friday, May 28, 2010

Bus Station Bridge Roof Top

I was using the circular polarizer to see the effect it had on the Olympia Bus Station Roof. Metadata, ISO 400, Fluorensent White Balance, matrix metering , f16, 1/250 shutter, aperture priority, 105 mm . I love the bus station because it reminds me of a ship with sails. I felt weird taking a picture of the bus station and I had some people ask me to take their picture.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ribbon Cleat- Patterns & Filters

I was drawn to the repeating pattern of the dock ribbon like edge. I also changed the white balance to fluorescent which gave it a cool blue tone. Metadata - F11 shutter 1/100, Matrix metering, ISO 250, aperture priority.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Shapes and Forms Downtown Olympia

I love the combination of circular and pointed shapes of this structure. There is so much detail here in this historic building. The circular polarizer helped with this shot. It made it more defined. Metadata- F13, shutter 1/90, iso 400, manual priority. Diana

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Peaceful Place

I love to go down to the lake in early spring. It's so quiet and peaceful. The trees are starting to get their leaves and the grass is new green. Hope you enjoy it too.
The flowers add color to a dreary day.